
So this site is primarily about literature, but I can’t resist sneaking in some film.

The 2021 International Feature Oscars & The International Feature Golden Globe contenders

I’ve seen some films. My current front-runners (I’ll try to update as I see more) are:

  • Charlatan – but I could be biased by my admiration of Agniezka Holland.
  • A Sun ( available on Netflix)
  • Preparations to be together for an unknown period of time

Also seen and compelling – would still recommend:

  • The Life Ahead (Italy) available on Netflix or APrime. This film was quite moving.
  • It’s never going to snow again – notable for a view of Russian suburbs, which I had no idea existed before seeing the film.

Also seen:

Scales: really interesting cinematography and premise but ultimately it just didn’t grab me the way I thought it would.